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The first idea for the establishment of a virtual Hellenic Institute of Nuclear Physics (HINP) was given in the fall of 2008 by Professor Constantine Kosmides, President at that time of the Physics Department of the University of Ioannina (UOI), in a discussion with Professor Athena Pakou, President at that time of HNPS (Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society). One of the motivations was to ensure representation of all Greek Institutes in various International fora, like NUPECC, on a circular basis. It was known that NUPECC accepts candidatures every three years from single Institutes or Universities. Therefore, the idea of a Hellenic Institute comprised by all NPLs from Universities and Research Centers provided an excellent platform to reach that goal. Discussing the subject within the Governing Board of HNPS with Prof. George Lalazissis from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), the Assistant Professor Stathis Stiliaris from the University of Athens (UOA) and Dr Dennis Bonatsos from Demokritos, the idea started to flourish and to be elaborated. It was decided that HINP could play a role similar to the IOP in Britain or the INFN in Italy etc, and walk in parallel roads with HNPS, offering to this society the playground for various activities, such as awarding scholarships, organizing international conferences and, most important, promoting synergy actions, like submission of proposals etc. All these issues were discussed in the Governing Board meeting, on December 15, 2008 in Ioannina, with all 5 members present (the President Prof. Pakou, the Vice-President Prof. Lalazissis, the Secretary Dr Bonatsos, the Treasurer Prof. Stiliaris and the Member Prof. Papadopoulos). Informally, the meeting was attended by Professors Massen and Zamani. It was decided that the visualization of this endeavour would be initiated in Ioannina by Professor Pakou, while all other members were going to explore whether the environment was expedient in their Institutions. With the approval of the Rectorship of the University of Ioannina, one of the legal advisers of the University undertook the responsibility to draw up the statutes of the Institute, according to the decisions taken during the discussions. The final draft was discussed and signed by all the Nuclear Physicists of the University of Ioannina. The statutes were also supported by the Rectorship Council of the University of Ioannina and were signed by the Rector of the University, Prof. I. Gerothanassis and the President of the Physics Department, Prof. C. Kosmides. Subsequently, the same procedure was followed in the University of Thessaloniki and the University of Athens. Today, the Hellenic Institute of Nuclear Physics includes Nuclear Physics Laboratories from three Universities (Ioannina, Thessaloniki and Athens) and 22 members in experimental and theoretical Nuclear Physics both in fundamental and applied Research. It is open to petitions from other Institutions and physical persons, as long as the Governing Board accepts the petitions unanimously. The Institute will act under the guidance of its Governing Board (GB). According to the HINP statutes, each member of the HINP GB is elected by its own Institution, with the obligation to transfer the Institution’s will to the central HINP GB. Five (5) members were elected for the first GB – two (2) from UOI, two (2) from AUTH and one (1) from UOA – and the GB was constituted on May 11, 2010, as follows: